Dive Into the Provenance

Blog 1

The Kienzle Siblings: A Shared Journey

After World War II, the Kienzle siblings devoted themselves to traveling across the Himalayas, fueled by a passion for art. From the 1950s onward, they explored temples, markets, and festivals, forging key relationships to amass a renowned collection of bronzes and thangkas—an enduring testament to their dedication and vision.

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Blog 2

Peter Hardt: A Life Transformed by Art and Travel

In 1976, a young Peter Hardt and his first wife, Ingrid, set off on a bicycle journey around the world—an adventure that would forever shape their lives. Inspired by their voyage, they launched a small business dedicated to Asian art. This passion eventually led Peter to develop a deep friendship with the Kienzle siblings.

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Blog 3

The Museum für Asiatische Kunst: A Legacy in Transition

In the early 2000s, the Kienzle siblings began searching for a custodian for their remarkable collection and turned to their longtime friend Peter Hardt. Hardt would establish a private museum of Asian art in Sieplenbusch. The project required more than a decade of planning and construction, costing over three million euros.

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Brought to You By

Susanne Zacke

Managing Director 

Alexander Zacke

Senior Expert - Chinese & Southeast Asian Art

Maximilian Zacke

Expert - Chinese & Southeast Asian Art