Japan, 1949, Showa period (1926-1989)
Well cast in barrel form, decorated in high relief with horizontal and vertical lines, bands of bosses, and flowerheads, surmounted by a twin dragon loop handle. The side engraved with an inscription dating the bell to May, 1949, naming the devotees who commissioned the bell, and identifying the temple for which it was made.
HEIGHT 54 cm
WEIGHT 197 kg
Condition: Very good condition with wear, casting flaws, signs of weathering and erosion, traces of use, and scratches.
The earliest bells date to around 600 AD, although the general design is of much earlier Chinese origin and shares some of the features seen in ancient Chinese bells. Their penetrating and pervasive tone carries over considerable distances. The sound of the bell is thought to have supernatural properties. It is believed, for example, that it can be heard in the underworld.
In Japanese ceremonies, hanging bells are used for signaling during the prayer and for calling Buddhists to worship. In China, similar bells were employed in ensembles, where they represented the yin, or "receptive" principle, and were sounded after the beat of a large drum (yang, or "creative" element). The bonsho incorporates many symbolic motifs found in the Far East. The suspension loop (ryuzo) is formed by two dragon heads and a flame; the upper third contains nipples (nyu), symbols of fertility; and the barren field below (ikenomachi) provides a place for poetry or iconography. The chrysanthemum, a symbol of longevity and happiness, forms the striking surface (shuza). The bonsho may occasionally be heard in the kabuki theatre's off-stage ensembles.
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