Until 1st May, 2025

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Lot 79 - AK0125

Buy now for €1,560.00

Lot details

By Kano Tessai (1845-1925), signed Tessai followed by the artist’s idiosyncratic kakihan
Japan, Nara, early 20th century

Finely carved, the elegantly curved shaft with a plain scroll terminal and a fierce oni head detailed with bulging eyes, bushy brows, a wide mouth revealing tongue and teeth flanked by sharp fangs, and a broad nose, the sides and back of the shaft and some details lacquered red, the wood of attractive grain and color, purposely worn to simulated old age. The front of the scepter is inscribed Seija (‘right and wrong’), referencing a moral precept known as Seija zen’aku (‘right and wrong & good and evil’), while the back shows the signature TESSAI followed by the artist’s characteristic kakihan.

LENGTH 39.3 cm

Condition: Excellent condition with attractive simulated wear, possibly few minuscule nicks.
Provenance: French private collection.

Kano Tessai (1845–1925) came from a Gifu family and started his life as a Buddhist priest, though his father instructed him in the art of carving. He studied Chinese literature and drawing and was a professor at Tokyo art school in 1872. He was also on the examining committee for investigating the ancient art of Japan and subsequently went to Nara where he engaged in the reproductions of old objects of art, such as the present example. Although only few scepters by Tessai are known, he clearly greatly enjoyed and found inspiration in this type of object, as evidenced by a Chinese Ming-dynasty bamboo scepter once owned by him, see Bonhams, The Zuiun Collection, 15 March 2017, New York, lot 5004.

Auction comparison:
Compare a bamboo scepter by Kano Tessai at Bonhams, 11 September 2019, New York, lot 546 (sold for 2,040 USD). Compare a dried-lacquer scepter by Ito Tesseki, a student of Kano Tessai, at Bonhams, 15 March 2017, New York, lot 5030 (sold for 10,000 USD).


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