Sold for €5,850
including Buyer's Premium
China, circa 1738-1740. The shallow dish painted in gilt and bright enamels after a design by Cornelius Pronk entitled ‘The Doctor’s Visit to the Emperor’, the central roundel with a scene of four Chinese noblemen conversing in a fenced garden below a blossoming tree, a large Ming dish on the table before them and a peacock at their side, enclosed by a gilt border with geometrical design, the rim with fish encircled by scalloped green bands, interspersed with birds standing in grasses and diaper pattern, the rim lined in gilt.
Provenance: S. Marchant & Son, London, 1999. Richard and Maxine Markell, acquired from the above. A copy of the original invoice from S. Marchant & Son, London, dated 10 June 1999, describing the piece as a famille rose plate painted after a design by Cornelius Pronk with the scene of the ‘doctor’s visit’, dating it to the Yonzheng period, 1723-1735, and stating a purchase price of GBP 6,500 or approx. EUR 15,500 (converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing), accompanies this lot. Label ‘Marchant London Yongzheng 1723-1735’ to base. S. Marchant & Son was founded in 1925 by Samuel Sydney Marchant (1897-1975). It held a large stock of Asian art, but also dealt in arms and armor, paintings, and continental porcelain. In 1953, Richard Marchant joined his father and from that time onwards the partnership specialized in Asian art. Nowadays the company’s focus is on Imperial Chinese Ming and Qing porcelains, jades, cloisonné, pottery, and works of art.
Condition: Very good condition, the enamels still fresh and crisp, minor wear to the gilt and enamels mostly along the rim, and manufacturing flaws including pitting, dark spots, glaze recesses, and light warping.
Weight: 522 g
Dimensions: Diameter 25.8 cm
The scene, entitled ‘The Doctors’ or ‘The Doctors Visiting the Emperor’, was designed by Pronk in 1735 and sent to China in 1736, arriving only at the end of 1737. The finished products were sent back to the Netherlands at the end of 1738 and in 1739. A second, simpler version of the design with only three figures was sent to China in 1739. This scene was originally designed after a motif in traditional Chinese iconography, illustrating the legend of the woodcutter Wang Shi who encountered three Daoist gods playing chess in a cave.
Only one of Cornelis Pronk's four official commissions for the Dutch East India Co., an original watercolor design, can still be seen in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. While the experiment in commissioned designs was quickly discontinued, dinner sets, tea pieces and large jars with covers were made with the ‘The Doctors’ motif. See C.J.A. Jörg, Porcelain and the Dutch China Trade, pp. 99-101, and Howard & Ayers, op. cit., pp. 193-194.
Literature comparison:
Compare a near identical Pronk ‘Doctor’s visit’ dish, ca. 1738, in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, accession number C.43-1912.
Auction result comparison:
Type: Near identical
Auction: Christie’s New York, 17 January 2019, lot 541
Price: USD 6,875 or approx. EUR 7,700 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A famille rose 'Pronk doctors' large dish, Qianlong period, circa 1738-1740
Expert remark: Compare the near identical design, crisp enamels, and gilt embellishments. Note the size (32.1 cm).
中國,約1738-1740年。折沿,淺盤,圈足。盤面正中開光粉彩描繪由荷蘭的畫家考納利·普朗克(Cornelis Pronk)設計的《眾博士圖》。四位博士,其中三位圍坐在放有青花瓷盤的桌子周圍,另外一位博士站在他們身後高談闊論。畫面左邊圍欄上站立著一隻孔雀,右側的樹木枝頭上棲息著一隻鳥。折沿繪有水禽一組,其間飾以菱形開光,內各飾一條顏色各異的魚。盤邊裝飾六片黃色花口形菱花錦地紋。
來源:倫敦S. Marchant & Son藝廊,1999年;Richard 與 Maxine Markell,購於上述藝廊。隨附一份S. Marchant & Son 1999年6月10日出具的原始發票複印件,上面描繪此盤粉彩描繪仿考納利·普朗克(Cornelis Pronk)設計的《眾博士圖》,為雍正時期,1723-1735年,售價GBP 6,500 ,相當於EUR 15,500 (根據現今通貨膨脹率)。底部可見標籤 ‘Marchant London Yongzheng 1723-1735’ 。S. Marchant & Son藝廊由 Samuel Sydney Marchant(1897-1975) 與1925年成立。該藝廊擁有大量亞洲藝術品,同時也經營武器和盔甲、繪畫和瓷器。1953 年,Richard Marchant加入了他父親藝廊行列,從那時起,藝廊專門從事亞洲藝術。 如今,該藝廊的重點是中國明清宮廷瓷器、玉器、景泰藍、陶器和工藝品。
重量:522 克
尺寸:直徑 25.8 厘米
《眾博士圖》的場景由 Pronk 於 1735 年設計,並於 1736 年送到中國,直到 1737 年底才抵達。1738 -1739 年間成品被送回荷蘭。第二個更簡單的設計版本只有三個人物,於 1739 年被送往中國。這個場景最初是根據中國傳統肖像畫中的一個題材設計的,講述了樵夫王石在山間遇到三個道士在山洞裡下棋的傳説。
這是Cornelis Pronk 為荷蘭東印度公司創作的四件作品之一,在阿姆斯特丹國立博物館中仍然可以看到原始的水彩畫設計。雖然委託設計的實驗很快就停止了,但餐具、茶具和帶蓋的大罐子都是以“博士”為主題製作的。見 C.J.A. Jörg,Porcelain and the Dutch China Trade,99-101頁與 Howard & Ayers,op. cit.,頁193-194。
拍賣:紐約佳士得,2019年1月17日,lot 541
價格:USD 6,875(相當於今日EUR 7,700)
專家評論:比較幾乎相同的設計、清晰的琺瑯,以及鎏金點綴。請注意尺寸 (32.1 厘米)。
China, circa 1738-1740. The shallow dish painted in gilt and bright enamels after a design by Cornelius Pronk entitled ‘The Doctor’s Visit to the Emperor’, the central roundel with a scene of four Chinese noblemen conversing in a fenced garden below a blossoming tree, a large Ming dish on the table before them and a peacock at their side, enclosed by a gilt border with geometrical design, the rim with fish encircled by scalloped green bands, interspersed with birds standing in grasses and diaper pattern, the rim lined in gilt.
Provenance: S. Marchant & Son, London, 1999. Richard and Maxine Markell, acquired from the above. A copy of the original invoice from S. Marchant & Son, London, dated 10 June 1999, describing the piece as a famille rose plate painted after a design by Cornelius Pronk with the scene of the ‘doctor’s visit’, dating it to the Yonzheng period, 1723-1735, and stating a purchase price of GBP 6,500 or approx. EUR 15,500 (converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing), accompanies this lot. Label ‘Marchant London Yongzheng 1723-1735’ to base. S. Marchant & Son was founded in 1925 by Samuel Sydney Marchant (1897-1975). It held a large stock of Asian art, but also dealt in arms and armor, paintings, and continental porcelain. In 1953, Richard Marchant joined his father and from that time onwards the partnership specialized in Asian art. Nowadays the company’s focus is on Imperial Chinese Ming and Qing porcelains, jades, cloisonné, pottery, and works of art.
Condition: Very good condition, the enamels still fresh and crisp, minor wear to the gilt and enamels mostly along the rim, and manufacturing flaws including pitting, dark spots, glaze recesses, and light warping.
Weight: 522 g
Dimensions: Diameter 25.8 cm
The scene, entitled ‘The Doctors’ or ‘The Doctors Visiting the Emperor’, was designed by Pronk in 1735 and sent to China in 1736, arriving only at the end of 1737. The finished products were sent back to the Netherlands at the end of 1738 and in 1739. A second, simpler version of the design with only three figures was sent to China in 1739. This scene was originally designed after a motif in traditional Chinese iconography, illustrating the legend of the woodcutter Wang Shi who encountered three Daoist gods playing chess in a cave.
Only one of Cornelis Pronk's four official commissions for the Dutch East India Co., an original watercolor design, can still be seen in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. While the experiment in commissioned designs was quickly discontinued, dinner sets, tea pieces and large jars with covers were made with the ‘The Doctors’ motif. See C.J.A. Jörg, Porcelain and the Dutch China Trade, pp. 99-101, and Howard & Ayers, op. cit., pp. 193-194.
Literature comparison:
Compare a near identical Pronk ‘Doctor’s visit’ dish, ca. 1738, in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, accession number C.43-1912.
Auction result comparison:
Type: Near identical
Auction: Christie’s New York, 17 January 2019, lot 541
Price: USD 6,875 or approx. EUR 7,700 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A famille rose 'Pronk doctors' large dish, Qianlong period, circa 1738-1740
Expert remark: Compare the near identical design, crisp enamels, and gilt embellishments. Note the size (32.1 cm).
中國,約1738-1740年。折沿,淺盤,圈足。盤面正中開光粉彩描繪由荷蘭的畫家考納利·普朗克(Cornelis Pronk)設計的《眾博士圖》。四位博士,其中三位圍坐在放有青花瓷盤的桌子周圍,另外一位博士站在他們身後高談闊論。畫面左邊圍欄上站立著一隻孔雀,右側的樹木枝頭上棲息著一隻鳥。折沿繪有水禽一組,其間飾以菱形開光,內各飾一條顏色各異的魚。盤邊裝飾六片黃色花口形菱花錦地紋。
來源:倫敦S. Marchant & Son藝廊,1999年;Richard 與 Maxine Markell,購於上述藝廊。隨附一份S. Marchant & Son 1999年6月10日出具的原始發票複印件,上面描繪此盤粉彩描繪仿考納利·普朗克(Cornelis Pronk)設計的《眾博士圖》,為雍正時期,1723-1735年,售價GBP 6,500 ,相當於EUR 15,500 (根據現今通貨膨脹率)。底部可見標籤 ‘Marchant London Yongzheng 1723-1735’ 。S. Marchant & Son藝廊由 Samuel Sydney Marchant(1897-1975) 與1925年成立。該藝廊擁有大量亞洲藝術品,同時也經營武器和盔甲、繪畫和瓷器。1953 年,Richard Marchant加入了他父親藝廊行列,從那時起,藝廊專門從事亞洲藝術。 如今,該藝廊的重點是中國明清宮廷瓷器、玉器、景泰藍、陶器和工藝品。
重量:522 克
尺寸:直徑 25.8 厘米
《眾博士圖》的場景由 Pronk 於 1735 年設計,並於 1736 年送到中國,直到 1737 年底才抵達。1738 -1739 年間成品被送回荷蘭。第二個更簡單的設計版本只有三個人物,於 1739 年被送往中國。這個場景最初是根據中國傳統肖像畫中的一個題材設計的,講述了樵夫王石在山間遇到三個道士在山洞裡下棋的傳説。
這是Cornelis Pronk 為荷蘭東印度公司創作的四件作品之一,在阿姆斯特丹國立博物館中仍然可以看到原始的水彩畫設計。雖然委託設計的實驗很快就停止了,但餐具、茶具和帶蓋的大罐子都是以“博士”為主題製作的。見 C.J.A. Jörg,Porcelain and the Dutch China Trade,99-101頁與 Howard & Ayers,op. cit.,頁193-194。
拍賣:紐約佳士得,2019年1月17日,lot 541
價格:USD 6,875(相當於今日EUR 7,700)
專家評論:比較幾乎相同的設計、清晰的琺瑯,以及鎏金點綴。請注意尺寸 (32.1 厘米)。
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