Sold for €4,550
including Buyer's Premium
China, 17th century. The Goddess of Mercy seated in rajalilasana on a low table supported on a stepped plinth applied with ruyi-shaped clouds. Her right hand is holding a rosary and resting on her knee while the left holds a scroll. She is wearing loose robes opening at the chest adorned with beaded jewelry as well as a cowl. Her serene face with heavy-lidded eyes and full lips forming a subtle smile.
Provenance: Collection of Maurice Maeterlinck. Old label to base. Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949), also known as Count (or Comte) Maeterlinck, was a Belgian playwright, poet, and essayist who was Flemish but wrote in French. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1911 “in appreciation of his many-sided literary activities, and especially of his dramatic works, which are distinguished by a wealth of imagination and by a poetic fancy, which reveals, sometimes in the guise of a fairy tale, a deep inspiration, while in a mysterious way they appeal to the readers' own feelings and stimulate their imaginations”. He was a leading member of the ‘La Jeune Belgique’ group and his plays form an important part of the Symbolist movement.
Condition: Fine condition, commensurate with age. Minor old wear and some firing flaws. Small losses to exposed areas, one of the fish has been reattached.
Weight: 2,589 g
Dimensions: Height 28 cm
Guanyin is shown in a temple with two characteristic roofs, tiles terminating in ruyi heads and corners applied with fishes, the rectangular section between the roofs is pierced with a geometric design. Two figures, a female attendant and a young boy, stand outside the table to the left and right, respectively. Covered overall with rich amber, green, chestnut, and colorless glazes. The back with a circular aperture.
Auction result comparison: Compare a related sancai-glazed Guanyin group, dated late Ming to Qing dynasty but of slightly larger size (38 cm high), at Bonhams New York in Chinese Works of Art and Paintings on 19 March 2018, lot 8170, sold for USD 7,500.
中國, 十七世紀。觀音菩薩以轉輪王坐姿坐在一個階梯式的底座上,底座上飾如意形雲紋。她的右手拿著一串念珠,放在膝蓋上,而左手拿著一個捲軸。觀音著寬鬆的長袍,胸口敞開,佩戴瓔珞及披巾。 她平靜的臉龐,雙眼微閉,豐滿的嘴唇形成了一個微妙的微笑。
來源:Maurice Maeterlinck 收藏。底部見舊標籤。Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949),也被稱為 Count(或 Comte)Maeterlinck,是比利時劇作家、詩人和散文家,他是佛蘭德人,但用法語寫作。 他於 1911 年獲得諾貝爾文學獎,“感謝他多方面的文學貢獻,尤其是他的戲劇作品,這些作品以豐富的想像力和詩意的幻想而著稱,這種幻想有時以一個童話,一個深刻的靈感,同時以一種神秘的方式吸引讀者自己的感受,激發他們的想像力”。他是“La Jeune Belgique”團體的主要成員,他的戲劇是像徵主義運動的重要組成部分。
品相:狀況良好,與年齡相符。 輕微的舊時磨損和一些燒製缺陷。 暴露區域損失不大,其中一條魚已重新附著。
重量:2,589 克
尺寸:高 28 厘米
拍賣結果比較:比較一件相近三彩觀音人物組,明末清初,尺寸稍大 (高38 厘米), 見紐約邦翰思Chinese Works of Art and Paintings 2018年3月19日 lot 8170, 售價USD 7,500。
China, 17th century. The Goddess of Mercy seated in rajalilasana on a low table supported on a stepped plinth applied with ruyi-shaped clouds. Her right hand is holding a rosary and resting on her knee while the left holds a scroll. She is wearing loose robes opening at the chest adorned with beaded jewelry as well as a cowl. Her serene face with heavy-lidded eyes and full lips forming a subtle smile.
Provenance: Collection of Maurice Maeterlinck. Old label to base. Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949), also known as Count (or Comte) Maeterlinck, was a Belgian playwright, poet, and essayist who was Flemish but wrote in French. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1911 “in appreciation of his many-sided literary activities, and especially of his dramatic works, which are distinguished by a wealth of imagination and by a poetic fancy, which reveals, sometimes in the guise of a fairy tale, a deep inspiration, while in a mysterious way they appeal to the readers' own feelings and stimulate their imaginations”. He was a leading member of the ‘La Jeune Belgique’ group and his plays form an important part of the Symbolist movement.
Condition: Fine condition, commensurate with age. Minor old wear and some firing flaws. Small losses to exposed areas, one of the fish has been reattached.
Weight: 2,589 g
Dimensions: Height 28 cm
Guanyin is shown in a temple with two characteristic roofs, tiles terminating in ruyi heads and corners applied with fishes, the rectangular section between the roofs is pierced with a geometric design. Two figures, a female attendant and a young boy, stand outside the table to the left and right, respectively. Covered overall with rich amber, green, chestnut, and colorless glazes. The back with a circular aperture.
Auction result comparison: Compare a related sancai-glazed Guanyin group, dated late Ming to Qing dynasty but of slightly larger size (38 cm high), at Bonhams New York in Chinese Works of Art and Paintings on 19 March 2018, lot 8170, sold for USD 7,500.
中國, 十七世紀。觀音菩薩以轉輪王坐姿坐在一個階梯式的底座上,底座上飾如意形雲紋。她的右手拿著一串念珠,放在膝蓋上,而左手拿著一個捲軸。觀音著寬鬆的長袍,胸口敞開,佩戴瓔珞及披巾。 她平靜的臉龐,雙眼微閉,豐滿的嘴唇形成了一個微妙的微笑。
來源:Maurice Maeterlinck 收藏。底部見舊標籤。Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949),也被稱為 Count(或 Comte)Maeterlinck,是比利時劇作家、詩人和散文家,他是佛蘭德人,但用法語寫作。 他於 1911 年獲得諾貝爾文學獎,“感謝他多方面的文學貢獻,尤其是他的戲劇作品,這些作品以豐富的想像力和詩意的幻想而著稱,這種幻想有時以一個童話,一個深刻的靈感,同時以一種神秘的方式吸引讀者自己的感受,激發他們的想像力”。他是“La Jeune Belgique”團體的主要成員,他的戲劇是像徵主義運動的重要組成部分。
品相:狀況良好,與年齡相符。 輕微的舊時磨損和一些燒製缺陷。 暴露區域損失不大,其中一條魚已重新附著。
重量:2,589 克
尺寸:高 28 厘米
拍賣結果比較:比較一件相近三彩觀音人物組,明末清初,尺寸稍大 (高38 厘米), 見紐約邦翰思Chinese Works of Art and Paintings 2018年3月19日 lot 8170, 售價USD 7,500。
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