Sold for €4,420
including Buyer's Premium
Published: Friedrich Georg Zeileis, Ausgewählte Chinesische Jade aus Sieben Jahrtausenden (selected Chinese jades from seven millennia), 1994, pages 80-81, no. 64.
China, c. 3000-1000 BC. The exterior rim carved as three arcs, each rising to a point and carved with raised teeth, the interior with a plain circle. The stone of a beautiful russet and honey-brown tone with dark veins.
Provenance: A private collection in San Francisco, USA, 1980s. Friedrich Georg Zeileis, acquired from the above. Dr. Friedrich Georg Zeileis (b. 1939) is a retired physician who built an important collection of ancient Chinese jades and bronzes. He was also a pianist and composer, and published several books, as well as catalogs of his substantial art collections, including fine Chinese jades and bronzes.
Condition: Condition commensurate with age. Old wear and tiny nibbles. The stone with natural fissures, some of which have developed into small cracks over time, with associated old fills.
Weight: 58.8 g
Dimensions: Diameter 9.7 cm (at the widest points)
Literature comparison:
Compare a related jade xuanji, 11.3 cm wide, dated Neolithic or Shang, 15th-10th century BC, in the British Museum, registration number 2022,3034.82, illustrated by Jessica Rawson, Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing, 1995, cat. no. 8.1. Compare a related jade xuanji, 13.9 cm diameter, dated to the Shandong or Henan Longshan culture, c. 2300-1700 BC, in the Museum of East Asian Art, Bath, record number 589. Compare a related jade notched disc, 15.6 cm diameter, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, accession number 27.15.
Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Sotheby’s New York, 18 March 2014, lot 123
Price: USD 75,000 or approx. EUR 85,500 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A jade ritual notched disc (xuanji), Neolithic period
Expert remark: Note the significantly larger size (18.5 cm)
Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Christie’s New York, 23 September 2022, lot 822
Price: USD 18,900 or approx. EUR 17,500 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A rare pale green and beigish-brown jade notched disc, Northwest China, late Neolithic period-early Bronze Age, 3rd-2nd millennium BC
Expert remark: Note the similar size (11.5 cm)
Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2018, lot 2709
Price: HKD 1,000.000 or approx. EUR 137,500 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A Celadon Jade Notched Disc, Yabi
Expert remark: Note the slightly larger size (13 cm)
出版:Friedrich Georg Zeileis,《Ausgewählte Chinesische Jade aus Sieben Jahrtausenden (selected Chinese jades from seven millennia)》,1994年,第80-81頁,圖 64。
來源:美國舊金山私人收藏,1980年代;Friedrich Georg Zeileis,購於上述收藏。Friedrich Georg Zeileis 博士(生於 1939 年)是一位退休醫生,收藏了一批重要的中國古代玉器和青銅器。他還是一位鋼琴家和作曲家,出版了數本書籍,並出版了大量藝術收藏品的目錄,其中包括精美的中國玉器和青銅器。
重量:58.8 克
尺寸:直徑 9.7 厘米 (最寬處)
比較一件相近的新石器時代或商代公元前十五至十世紀玉璇璣,11.3 厘米寬,收藏於大英博物館,館藏編號2022,3034.82,見Jessica Rawson,《Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing》,1995年,圖錄編號8.1。比較一件相近的商周或河南龍山文化公元前2300至1700年玉璇璣,直徑13.9 厘米,收藏於巴斯東亞藝術博物館,館藏編號589。比較一件相近的玉碟,直徑15.6 厘米,收藏於大都會藝術博物館,館藏編號27.15。
拍賣:紐約蘇富比,2014年3月18日,lot 123
價格:USD 75,000(相當於今日EUR 85,500)
專家評論:請注意尺寸明顯較大(18.5 厘米)。
拍賣:紐約佳士得,2022年9月23日,lot 822
價格:USD 18,900(相當於今日EUR 17,500)
專家評論:請注意相似尺寸(11.5 厘米) 。
拍賣:香港佳士得,2018年11月28日,lot 2709
價格:HKD 1,000.000(相當於今日EUR 137,500)
專家評論:請注意尺寸稍大(13 厘米)。
Published: Friedrich Georg Zeileis, Ausgewählte Chinesische Jade aus Sieben Jahrtausenden (selected Chinese jades from seven millennia), 1994, pages 80-81, no. 64.
China, c. 3000-1000 BC. The exterior rim carved as three arcs, each rising to a point and carved with raised teeth, the interior with a plain circle. The stone of a beautiful russet and honey-brown tone with dark veins.
Provenance: A private collection in San Francisco, USA, 1980s. Friedrich Georg Zeileis, acquired from the above. Dr. Friedrich Georg Zeileis (b. 1939) is a retired physician who built an important collection of ancient Chinese jades and bronzes. He was also a pianist and composer, and published several books, as well as catalogs of his substantial art collections, including fine Chinese jades and bronzes.
Condition: Condition commensurate with age. Old wear and tiny nibbles. The stone with natural fissures, some of which have developed into small cracks over time, with associated old fills.
Weight: 58.8 g
Dimensions: Diameter 9.7 cm (at the widest points)
Literature comparison:
Compare a related jade xuanji, 11.3 cm wide, dated Neolithic or Shang, 15th-10th century BC, in the British Museum, registration number 2022,3034.82, illustrated by Jessica Rawson, Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing, 1995, cat. no. 8.1. Compare a related jade xuanji, 13.9 cm diameter, dated to the Shandong or Henan Longshan culture, c. 2300-1700 BC, in the Museum of East Asian Art, Bath, record number 589. Compare a related jade notched disc, 15.6 cm diameter, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, accession number 27.15.
Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Sotheby’s New York, 18 March 2014, lot 123
Price: USD 75,000 or approx. EUR 85,500 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A jade ritual notched disc (xuanji), Neolithic period
Expert remark: Note the significantly larger size (18.5 cm)
Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Christie’s New York, 23 September 2022, lot 822
Price: USD 18,900 or approx. EUR 17,500 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A rare pale green and beigish-brown jade notched disc, Northwest China, late Neolithic period-early Bronze Age, 3rd-2nd millennium BC
Expert remark: Note the similar size (11.5 cm)
Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2018, lot 2709
Price: HKD 1,000.000 or approx. EUR 137,500 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A Celadon Jade Notched Disc, Yabi
Expert remark: Note the slightly larger size (13 cm)
出版:Friedrich Georg Zeileis,《Ausgewählte Chinesische Jade aus Sieben Jahrtausenden (selected Chinese jades from seven millennia)》,1994年,第80-81頁,圖 64。
來源:美國舊金山私人收藏,1980年代;Friedrich Georg Zeileis,購於上述收藏。Friedrich Georg Zeileis 博士(生於 1939 年)是一位退休醫生,收藏了一批重要的中國古代玉器和青銅器。他還是一位鋼琴家和作曲家,出版了數本書籍,並出版了大量藝術收藏品的目錄,其中包括精美的中國玉器和青銅器。
重量:58.8 克
尺寸:直徑 9.7 厘米 (最寬處)
比較一件相近的新石器時代或商代公元前十五至十世紀玉璇璣,11.3 厘米寬,收藏於大英博物館,館藏編號2022,3034.82,見Jessica Rawson,《Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing》,1995年,圖錄編號8.1。比較一件相近的商周或河南龍山文化公元前2300至1700年玉璇璣,直徑13.9 厘米,收藏於巴斯東亞藝術博物館,館藏編號589。比較一件相近的玉碟,直徑15.6 厘米,收藏於大都會藝術博物館,館藏編號27.15。
拍賣:紐約蘇富比,2014年3月18日,lot 123
價格:USD 75,000(相當於今日EUR 85,500)
專家評論:請注意尺寸明顯較大(18.5 厘米)。
拍賣:紐約佳士得,2022年9月23日,lot 822
價格:USD 18,900(相當於今日EUR 17,500)
專家評論:請注意相似尺寸(11.5 厘米) 。
拍賣:香港佳士得,2018年11月28日,lot 2709
價格:HKD 1,000.000(相當於今日EUR 137,500)
專家評論:請注意尺寸稍大(13 厘米)。
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