By Shosai, signed Shosai chu
Japan, Meiji period (1868-1912)
Finely cast as a dormouse grasping a finger citron (Buddha hand fruit) in its left paw, the head raised and mouth ajar, with bulging eyes and pointy nose, the bushy tail swept to one side, and the fur meticulously incised. The underside signed SHOSAI chu [cast by Shosai] in a rectangular reserve.
LENGTH 17.2 cm
WEIGHT 1,742 g
Condition: Very good condition with minor wear, light surface scratches, few small nicks, and casting irregularities.
Auction comparison:
Compare a related bronze okimono of monkeys by the same maker, 18.5 cm high, dated to the Meiji period, at Bonhams, Fine Japanese Art, 2 November 2023, London, lot 226 (sold for GBP 2,816).
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